*Wednesday 3-5th (AM1) – Book Club & Language Arts
LeAnne Shults
Learn More About All of Our Teachers
Wednesday at 9:00-9:55 am
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
55 minutes
Student Reading Book List for Spring: Cut From the Same Cloth by Robert D. San Souci ISBN: 978-0698118119
$145 per semester (Ungraded)
Included in Class Fee
ONE YEAR CLASS MOVED TO NEW TIME – New students are welcome to join this class mid-year:
In this class, students will have Socratic discussions over the books read. They will also learnĀ Greek and Latin Roots, study vocabulary and learn tools for writing creatively. Students will be able to express creativity, enhance their collaboration ability, engage in reading, learn the language roots, understand parts of speech, and so much more! They will use what they learn to write a book of their own.
*Students will need a wide-ruled composition notebook to bring to class each week for their writing journal – Like this one: https://www.staples.com/Staples-Composition-Notebook-Wide-Ruled-Black-9-3-4-x-7-1-2/product_674330?cid=PS:GS:SBD:PLA:Paper&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6LoreciZjBhrZzaS6FbV6TkZ-0fMavNLEZJTq5uLjM3_61r04-s3PJ4u4aAlpKEALw_wcB